Making the Most of Down Time
Recuperating, reinvigorating and resting and three key ‘Rs’ that we should implement automatically into our everyday life.
Enjoying your downtime, no matter what that might consist of, is equally important to your health and success as hard work is. Finding some hours during the week, or weekends, to not just make time for yourself, but also for activities that you are committed to, can really help you re-set and appreciate both your professional and private or social life.
Should you feel guilty about making time for yourself and yourself only? Absolutely not. We spend so much time worrying, stressed and busy that if we didn’t take a few hours or entire days out to connect with our passions, our lives wouldn’t feel as complete as they do. Self-time, self-care and reflection are all key in also helping us understand who we are better, something that we learn about more each day, and putting distance and perspective between us and everyday occurrences is equally important.
Having said this, here are some of our favourite ways to make the most of downtime:
- Reading a book
- Watching our favourite show/movie
- Learning more about anything we are passionate about (sustainability, mental wellbeing, fashion, food…)
- Doing some exercise
- Socialising, carving out time with friends and family, or staying in and enjoying a quiet night together.
- Doing anything that gets us excited and happy
- Learning new skills
- Disconnecting from screens/social media, and resting our minds, practising meditation or other calming techniques.
We hope that you will enjoy your down-time as much as we will this week, and every week!