The Difference Between a Growth Mindset & a Stuck Mindset
Although it can be hard to believe, what you put out into the world and how you speak about yourself can be the main difference of a positive mindset and a negative one. Once you change your mindset, it can make a simple difference of a good day and a bad day.
People with a fixed mindset are close minded, don’t accept or like change or are willing to grow as a person. As humans, it is natural to want to change and find improvements within yourself. Those that understand this and are willing to make improvements to themselves have a growth mindset.
Some examples of changing from a stuck limited mindset to growth mindset can be:
- I can’t do this, change to: I can learn to do this
- Everytime I fail, I want to quit, change to: i can learn from my failures
- I don’t like to come out of my comfort zone, change to: i’m willing to try new things
- I’m never going to make it, change to: success takes time and effort
Changing a mindset can also be enabled from affirmations. Speaking affirmations out loud or listening to subliminals can also help.
Some examples can include:
- I am successful
- I am strong and willing
- I have a growth mindset
Once you make this a habit, positivity and happiness follows.