The Benefits of Daily Meditation
Meditating is one of the simplest ways to focus on yourself, helping to restore your calmness and inner peace.
Meditation is one of the best ways to relax, unwind, relieve your mind of your worries and fears, for a little while. It doesn’t take money, space, time or equipment- just you. Whether you are on the bus, car, or sitting in your living room, this practise will have only positive effects. Enhancing your physical wellbeing and clearing your head are only a couple of the benefits of meditation.
Others include:
- Stress relief
- Improved emotional wellbeing
- Gaining a new perspective on situations worrying you
- Learning to control your stress/anxiety
- Increasing self-awareness
- Better patience and tolerance, with yourself and others
- A form of natural medicine (helps to relieve: anxiety, high blood pressure and heart rate, physical pains, disrupted sleeping patterns and headaches)
There are several different types of meditations. Our favourites ways to practise are:
- Guided meditation: focusing on your senses to help in visualising/imagining the places and activities you find most relaxing and enjoyable. It is often aided by a guide or teacher.
- Mantra meditation: repeating a particular word or sentence to keep focused, and keep stressful or unwanted thoughts away.
- Mindfulness meditation: broadening conscious awareness, focusing on sensations felt, allowing different thoughts to come and go, without having judgement on them, accepting their presence in that moment.
Thanks for talking about how stress relief is a common benefit of meditation. My older sister has been feeling very stressed recently and it has started to affect her sleep. I will have to help her find a service that can teach her the best way to meditate for her needs so she can relax.
Since a couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend’s been under a lot of stress, and I’m worried that it’d affect her health in the long haul. I’m glad you explained how meditation helps you relax and let go of your stress, so I’ll be sure to suggest we try to find a meditation teacher to help us. Thank you for the information on how our mental health could improve if we meditate regularly.